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Rise Of Nations

This page describes how you can play Rise Of Nations through a web proxy or a restrictive firewall using Your Freedom.

Special thanks to mattygabe who submitted this tutorial:

You need three programs to get Rise of Nations to work, and as far as I know, this is the only combination that works:

  • Your-Freedom
  • ProxyCAP (NOT SocksCAP)
  • Hamachi (available at, a free program as well)
  1. Obviously, if you're reading this, you more than likely have Your Freedom installed already.  Make sure to have "SocksProxy" on 1080 and "HTTP Proxy" on 8080 checked on the 'Ports' tab of Your Freedom first and foremost.
  2. Install Hamachi.  Don't worry about connecting to create a username or obtain a Hamachi IP address just yet.  Make sure it is installed.
  3. Have ProxyCAP installed and running.  Right click on the ProxyCap icon, and choose Preferences.  In the "Proxies" list, have these two Proxies listed (in this order):

Proxy Type: Socks v5

Proxy Address: localhost

Proxy Port: 1080

Socks v5 Options: Proxy UDP, Tunnel DNS Queries ("Remote DNS") both checked

Proxy Type: HTTPS

Proxy Address: localhost

Proxy Port: 8080

Then, in the "Rules" list, there should be two rules, in this order:

Rule Type: Tunnel through proxy

Proxy: localhost:1080

Application: specify: hamachi.exe (specify your Hamachi.exe)

Destination IP Range: Not restricted

Destination Port Range (inclusive): Not restricted

Rule Type: Tunnel through proxy

Proxy: localhost:8080

Application: specify: hamachi.exe (specify your Hamachi.exe)

Destination IP Range: Not restricted

Destination Port Range (inclusive): Not restricted

Save these settings by hitting "OK" in the lower left corner.

4. Now, with Your-Freedom running and connected to a preferable server, then run Hamachi.exe, and hit the "Power On" button in the lower left corner of the Hamachi interface (looks like an On button).  At the top Hamachi will tell you it's status, which means that it should be connecting to the Hamachi servers, registering your nickname, and giving you a unique IP address, which usually starts with a "5".  In order to play with a friend or a group of friends, you must first Create or Join a "Network" on Hamachi.  Doing either one of these will make Hamachi simulate a "Local Area Network (LAN)" on your computer.  Hamachi is listed as a Network adapter in your commandline IPconfig.  Once you join a custom network, you will then be able to play games like Rise of Nations with your friends, as Direct-Connect/LAN games.

Notes: Rise of Nations or any other program does NOT need to be listed as a rule in ProxyCap.  Putting such a rule will negate Hamachi's work, and believe me I've had to discover this on my own.  The only rules needed are for Hamachi, which then makes your computer believe that it is on a Local Area Network with your friends.  This solution SHOULD (hypothetically) work for any game that supports Direct Connect or LAN games.  If there's no listing of LAN games, and instead just a box to input an IP address in your multiplayer game, just copy the host's Hamachi IP (right click on their name listed in Hamachi, copy their IP address), and then connect this way.  Works like a charm.

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