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Acceptable Use Policy

Please be sure to review our Acceptable Use Policy before you download and install the Your Freedom client, or buy packages or vouchers.


Refund guarantee

All our offerings come with our extensive refund guarantee.


Voucher carnets

Did you know we also sell "carnets" of vouchers? It's an alternative to buying time-based upgrades. Vouchers will upgrade your account when you need it and are especially well suited for those who only use YF some hours a day, during the week or at least not during the whole month. They are convenient to use, no need to type in all the codes. Check it out.


Currency calculator

Would you like to know how much our packages cost in your own currency? Just select the package type and duration, then choose your currency, and the price will be displayed.


Cash in old packages

You may cash in your existing, not yet expired packages for new packages. This way you can upgrade to a higher package, downgrade to a lower but longer running package, or simply extend a package (though you could simply buy a package of the same time, it automatically gets appended).

Simply choose your new package using the form above and tick the packages you would like to cash in -- this reduces your package price.


No subscription scheme!

Please note that Your Freedom does not employ any kind of subscription scheme. We only sell packages, not subscriptions. There is no automatic extension and no need to cancel subscriptions that do not even exist. You buy a package, your account gets upgraded for a certain period, and that's it. No hidden pitfalls.


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Your packages

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Available packages

  Free Mobile MobilePlus Basic Enhanced Total
Bandwidth up to
64 kbit/s
up to
1 Mbit/s
up to
up to
256 kbit/s
up to
4 Mbit/s
Volume unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited
Connection time 2 hours* unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited
Concurrent Streams 15** n/a n/a 50** 100** 200**
Desktop (PC) yes no no yes yes yes
Mobile (Android) yes yes yes yes yes yes
Web Proxy yes no no yes yes yes
SOCKS Proxy yes no no yes yes yes
VPN mode yes yes yes yes yes yes
PPTP connection yes no no yes yes yes
SOCKS5 connection yes no no yes yes yes
Link encryption yes yes yes yes yes yes
HTTP connection yes yes yes yes yes yes
HTTPS connection yes yes yes yes yes yes
CGI connection yes yes yes yes yes yes
FTP connection yes yes yes yes yes yes
UDP connection yes yes yes yes yes yes
DNS connection yes yes yes yes yes yes
ECHO connection yes yes yes yes yes yes
Relaying permitted yes no no yes yes yes
Server Ports no no no no no yes (5)
1 month upgrade FREE € 1.00
(USD 1.08)
€ 2.00
(USD 2.17)
€ 4.00
(USD 4.34)
€ 10.00
(USD 10.85)
€ 19.99
(USD 21.68)
3 month upgrade FREE € 2.00
(USD 2.17)
€ 4.00
(USD 4.34)
€ 10.00
(USD 10.85)
€ 28.00
(USD 30.37)
€ 57.99
(USD 62.90)
6 month upgrade FREE € 3.50
(USD 3.80)
€ 7.00
(USD 7.59)
€ 17.00
(USD 18.44)
€ 50.00
(USD 54.23)
€ 109.99
(USD 119.31)
12 month upgrade FREE € 6.00
(USD 6.51)
€ 12.00
(USD 13.02)
€ 30.00
(USD 32.54)
€ 95.00
(USD 103.05)
€ 199.99
(USD 216.93)

* 1 hour continuously, up to 2 hours in any 24 hour interval, up to 5 hours in any week interval

** TCP connections and UDP associations in the desktop app; this is not the number of concurrent device connections


Buy a package

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Payment options


Please make payments only through our payment form. You need to log in to see the form.

We accept payments by these methods:

  • PayPal

    PayPal is probably the most popular online payment service in the world, available in 190 countries. Your payment through PayPal is of course welcome, and PayPal will likely accept your credit card.

  • Bank transfer

    If nothing else works, this probably will (but it probably is expensive, especially if you don't live in the Euro zone). We'll set up your package manually for you so it won't be available immediately. Please send an email to when you've made a payment, telling us your username and the name of the bank account holder, otherwise we might miss it.

    Bank details will be displayed during the payment process.

Unfortunately we are unable to accept credit cards directly at this time. Persistent fraud has forced us to discontinue this payment type. However some of the payment types above can be used with your credit card.

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